Station Hotel
Between 1912-1922.
The Station Hotel is a two-story brick structure with a low hipped roof, with small brick flues projecting through the roof. The front has a two-tiered, full façade, frame porch, which extends slightly around the north side. The porch has a small center gable on its hipped roof. The simple round metal porch posts are set in brick piers on the first floor level, likely replacements of wood posts still in place at the second floor level. A metal railing replaces the wood railing on the first floor porch; it is intact on the second floor. Windows are one-over-one double hung, set beneath decorative brick relieving arches. The hotel has a central hall plan with a kitchen wing to the rear. Relatively plain, early 20th century hotel built near tracks to serve the railroad traffic. Once known as the Station Hotel, more recently as the Bruster and the Caldwell.
This building burned on Thursday September 24, 2009.