Contributing. ca. 1950.
This one-story, front-gable-roof Craftsman bungalow has vinyl siding, an attached hip-roof front porch with battered posts on capped brick piers, an interior brick chimney, and double vertical-three-over-one windows. There is also a picture window on the façade, a later change. Steps with capped brick cheek walls extend up on e side of the porch. House sits on a small level lot. This house, like 515 9th Avenue East, also first appears in city directories in 1954, but the building style appears to be much earlier. Mrs. Margaret McCall lived here from 1954 to 1955 and Arpley C. Horner, employed with General Electric, and wife Eunice lived here from 1956 to 1957. (Sanborn maps; city directories
Historic District
Cold Spring Park