Henry G. Zickgraf House
House. Contributing, by 1926.
Two-story Four Square with a hip roof, wide overhanging eaves, and shed roof dormers. Walls are aluminum siding. Center hall floor plan. Entry stoop has a pyramidal roof covering. Some detail of windows and door trim has been lost with the replacement siding. Windows are eight-over-one, and the front door is multi-light. Henry G. Zickgraf and wife Inez lived in the house from 1939 to 1946. From 1948 to 1949, James C. Hayes, Jr., of Hayes Market, and wife Lula lived there. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)
Garage. Contributing, by 1926.
Original two-story building with a low hip roof and aluminum siding.
Historic District
Druid Hills