Louise Leeds House
House. Contributing, by 1922.
Bungalow style one and one-half story house with a front gable roof supported by knee braces and shed roof dormers. Full width engaged front porch with square posts on brick piers and a simple balustrade. Walls are the original German siding. Windows are one-over-one with a newer window in the front gable end. Mrs. Louise Leeds lived in this house from 1937 to 1942. From 1943 to 1944 Ira Faulkner, a teller at State Trust Bank, and wife Emma lived here. Oliver Y. Brownlee, USN, and wife Gretchen lived here from 1945 to 1946. Clarence R. Stoner and wife Alice lived here from 1948 to 1949. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories)
Garage. Non-contributing, after 1954.
One-story front gable building which does not appear on 1954 Sanborn maps.
In April of 2008, homeowner Mark Loescher was doing repairs and, within the glass door of the built-in china cabinet, found the following: signature H.R. Justus, date 9/1917.