V. C. Burrowes House
House. Contributing, by 1911.
Four Square/Classical Revival style two-story house with a hip roof, carport on the north side, and two-story wing on the south side. Screened porch is on the lower level of this wing. Porch details include square columns. Front entry stoop has a pedimented roof covering supported by square posts. Windows are eight-over-one and front door, facing north, is multi-light-over-panel, a possible replacement. Original weatherboard siding. Mrs. Vivian Burrowes lived in this house from at least 1937 to 1944. She was president-treasurer of Burrowes Mortgage Company. From 1945 to 1946 Woodbury Burgess lived here, possibly a renter. Beginning in 1948, Mrs. Margery E. Burrowes, widow of V. C. Burrowes, lived here. Jody Barber noted that the John T. Wilkins family lived in this house, and a good friend of his, Jimmy Burrowes, lived here after the Wilkins. According to Mr. Barber, this was the first house to be built on Hyman Avenue. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories, interview with Jody Barber)
Garage. Contributing, by 1922.
One-story front gable roof building with original wood siding.