Eugene Feagin House
House. Contributing, by 1926.
Bungalow style one-story plus basement house with a side gable roof and a front gable dormer at the front. Wraparound porch on the southeast corner has a cross gable roof and has been screened in. Other porch details include battered posts on brick piers, knee braces in the roof, and what appears to be a replacement balustrade. Deck added at the rear of house. Walls are the original German siding. Windows are nine-over-one with a front window that is a picture window surrounded by multi-light sidelights and transom. Front door, located inside the screened porch, is multi-light-over-panel with sidelights. Concrete steps and walkway to porch entrance. Eugene Feagin, a pharmacist with Jackson Pharmacy, and wife Audelle lived here from at least 1926 to 1949. Eugene Feagin was known as Doctor Feagin, an honorary title for a pharmacist at the time. They were probably the original owners of the house. Good condition.
(Sanborn maps, city directories, interview with Jody Barber)
Garage apartment. Contributing, before 1954.
Two-story building with hip roof and original garage doors for two cars. Built by 1954, but appears to have been built ca. late 1920s to 1930s. One-over-one windows.